Color Me Beautiful Review

In this Color Me Beautiful review, I will be taking a closer look at this business to assist you in your research efforts. I intend to provide you with as much information as possible to help you make your business decision. Does Color Me Beautiful offer the best home based business in this multi-level marketing industry? Lets begin my Color Me Beautiful review.

Color Me Beautiful was founded in the late 1980s as a result of the New York Times best-selling book of “Color Me Beautiful.” This company offers products related to make up, skin care, body care, and accessories such as jewelry, brushes, hand bags, and shawls. Many of the popular cosmetic brands that Color Me Beautiful promotes are Adrien Arpel, Gale Hayman, Flori Roberts, Interface, and Patti LaBelle.

These cosmetic brands were offered in department stores in the company’s beginning, but Color Me Beautiful changed focus to a direct selling business model to provide their customers with better, more personalized advice. This direct selling model represents the multi-level marketing business opportunity that Color Me Beautiful offers to those who have a desire to begin a home based business by sharing their products with others.

For those who wish to begin a Color Me Beautiful business, they offer their Career Starter Packs for $99, plus $20 for shipping and handling. This pack will contain enough products and business materials to help you get started in conducting home parties, otherwise referred to as ‘Beauty Hours.’

Color Me Beautiful advertises on their website that if you conduct one Beauty Hour per week, averaging $300 in sales from each party, your monthly earnings will be $480.

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If you conduct 2 Beauty Hours per week, averaging $400 per party, your monthly earnings will be $1,280.

If you conduct 2 Beauty Hours per week, averaging $300 per party, and enroll 12 new Consultants who duplicate your exact efforts, you will earn $4,880 per month.

If you conduct 2 Beauty Hours per week, averaging $300 per party, and enroll 17 others who also enroll a total of 13 new consultants, you will earn $9,540 per month. It is important to note that these numbers are dependent upon everyone in your downline duplicating your exact efforts.

In my opinion, Color Me Beautiful is a legitimate business. However, if you decide to make Color Me Beautiful your home, I want to ensure that you are beginning your business with the proper expectations. In the last illustration above where you will be earning approximately $9,540 per month, you will need to recruit 17 Consultants. Your front line of 17 Consultants will then need to recruit a total of 13 Consultants for a total of 30. Color Me Beautiful does and will portray this as being a simple task. The truth of the matter is that you will be trained to recruit new Consultants from within your warm market of family and friends.

When you are limited to your warm market for building your business, while not impossible, finding 17 consultants is a much larger task than you might realize. Your consultants will then need to go and recruit a total of 13 Consultants from within their family and friends to join their business. Once this is completed, every single consultant will need to begin their business with the same motivation and work ethic as yourself. In other words, the 30 Consultants that are now in your business will need to each conduct 2 Beauty Hours per week, averaging $300 per party for you to earn the income in the above illustration. This is no small task that is being asked of you! If you decide to build this business, you will need to realize that these activities and efforts will take time, and as long as you begin your business with the proper expectations, you will be setting yourself up for success.

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With this being said, Color Me Beautiful offers many rewards, and a solid opportunity to participate in as long as you are willing to put in the effort that will be required for your success.

As always, I wish you success in your search for a rewarding home based business for you and your family.