The Power Of Celebrities In Small Business Marketing

If you own and operate a small business, then you are missing the boat unless you are using celebrities in your small business marketing. Some may think this is silly? Some may not be too keen on celebrities.

For the savvy, this little technique is pure gold.

Let me explain this further.

Small Business Marketing and Celebrities:

I’m shocked.

That so many small business owners miss using celebrities in their marketing. No, I’m not talking about paying a boatload of benjamins to hire an A-list actress. Or shelling out bukoo-bucks to get the latest teen heart throb to plug your services.

That’s what big and bloated companies do.

What I’m referring to is cleverly piggybacking off celebrity events to drive your sales.

It’s easy to do.

Take Jimi Hendrix for example:

Did you know he was born in November?

Or that he keeled over in September?

Hmmm… how could you use these two dates to drive your business?

Let’s see…

How about throwing an event that pays tribute to either of these dates? Invite all your current customers. Have them bring a friend. Offer some free food and drinks. Give them a tour of your business. Collect their contact information. And then send an irresistible offer to party guests that have never tried your business.

And presto, you’ve just used Jimi Hendrix to grow your business.

Think that’s too easy?

It is easy.

Nobody said using celebrities had to be hard.

And what’s cool is every month there’s a celebrity opportunity waiting to be used in your dentist marketing. Where can you find these events? How can you use them?

See also  What's The Point Of Celebrity Scandals?

Let’s answer these questions:

1. Celebrity Birthdays.

Every day there are dozens of celebrity birthdays. Do you know who’s born today, or how you can use a celebrity birthday to promote your product or service? You don’t have to say the celebrity endorses you. And do not put words into the celebrity’s mouth. But what’s wrong with throwing a sale all because your favorite celebrity has a birthday?

2. Celebrity Deaths.

Same goes for when a famous person died. Why not commemorate your favorite celebrity by offering a special “one day only” deal on the day they passed away?

3. Celebrity Milestones.

When did a famous movie get launched? When did an album go platinum? When did a famous author complete a book? These are all celebrity milestones you can use in your small business marketing.

Just look for opportunities.

And have fun.

Want to know why this stuff works?

One word:


Getting and keeping your prospect’s attention is like trying to capture Tyrannosaurus Rex with a mayonnaise jar. And since people are fascinated with celebrities… this solves the biggest problem you’ll have in your small business marketing… GETTING ATTENTION.

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Report #1: The 10 Most Important Elements to a BLOCKBUSTER Marketing Campaign

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