Beautiful Thoughts, Feelings

If we base our focus of thought upon the quality of beauty we cannot go far wrong. We all cherish our favourites.

Not only is it best that we nourish our minds by beautiful thoughts of others that we can access in our literature or cultural traditions, poetry and wisdom and on the internet, but we must practise creating beautiful thoughts of our own.

It is rewarding to sit and contemplate beauty and in a receptive mood feel a sense of satisfaction, whether we are viewing artistic creations of men and women or the more powerful expressions of nature in the natural environment. Well known also is our appreciation of a fine animal – a racehorse with perfect conformation, a well bred domestic pet, or a fine creature in the wild; or a beautiful flower or tree; a glowing precious gem or the fascinating moods of the elements of sky and sea. Gazing upon beauty in these forms can also extend further into the subtler dimensions with the aid of a microscope or telescope. Invariably we feel new interest and are stimulated to consider the wonders before us.

Gazing upon beautiful individuals is not so easy. It can be sufficiently pleasing to realize that beauty can be our focus in the world of humans also, as evidenced in the eyes of a new parent, or in our delight in the behaviour of a child before the subject has the potential for embarrassment and in our undisguised admiration of professional artists and performers.

The human capacity to contemplate through use of the imagination, with or without a physical focus makes it possible to make use of the mental creativity we possess and which does not rely solely upon a material focus but establishes a beautiful thought in the mind at will.

See also  How to Be Beautiful in Just a Minute

For instance, a beautiful simple thought such as Ronald H. Adams’s:

“The birthplace of happiness is in simple things, in rain-splashed violets under drooping leaves, in wanton breezes whispering on the seashore……”

This will tend to engender a beautiful feeling of peace and simple acceptance of nature’s beauty. A beautiful emotion will motivate a harmonious mood and is bound to result in a beautiful action.

As our great philosophers have reminded us, in our souls we are always seeking beauty. We constantly aspire to increasing experiences of spiritual nourishment, the finest of which is through beauty.

When we keep our thoughts attuned to the spiritual tonic of beauty, all troubles tend to diminish or fall away.

If we are to practise developing our own beautiful thoughts – it is simply begun by asking ourselves to describe the most beautiful thoughts and experiences we have known in our lives.

Have you pen and paper handy?

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